Sreejon Online.Com is the successor Broadband Internet Company of Jatrabari/Demra Area started its operation in 16th December 2008 with the responsibility to provide Broadband Internet Service in Jatrabari/Demra Area.
On 1st January 2009 Sreejon Connected with Optic fibre Network (Submarine Cable) .It has now over 1500 customers and has a very strong infrastructure with more than 10 experienced manpower.
The key persons of Sreejon are:
Proprietor : Shahed Mohammed Hasan 01742125002
Manager (Research & Development): Mr. Makhsud Alam Ratan 01712143816
Manager (Operation & System ): Md Tahanur Alam 01912830607
Asst Manager ( Billing & Corporate) : Mr. Zalal Akbar 01777629882
Asst Manager ( Operation and Coustomer care ): Mr Monir Hossain 01793472847